Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Naked Truth About Ted Haggard

The Naked Truth About Ted Haggard

Now that Wife Swap is about to air, and my old friend Ted Haggard is sharing his life with the world, he is, no doubt, expecting newfound fame and fortune, to replace the old ones he lost in 2006. For those who haven't followed the story, Pastor Ted was the founder of New Life Church in Colorado Springs. He was caught lying to reporters in 2006 about a sexual encounter he had with a male prostitute , and using crystal meth. Once the truth was exposed, Ted and his family were basically kicked out of Colorado and the church, and Ted signed an agreement that prohibited him from talking about the incident and the church for years. I had covered his story from the beginning in my various avenues of reporting in the capacity of a citizen journalist. I talked about Ted on the radio, here in Lake County, IL. I covered his story for Radio Gay International Network, and Canada's Indie Talent Network. I blogged about it and detailed the scandal repeatedly in my Gay News videos. I wanted the real truth about Ted Haggard. I never imagined I'd actually get it, but eventually, I did.

I found Ted on Facebook back in Feb of 2010. I had just uploaded a slew of racy promo photos for my gay news web series, and they were definitely attention grabbers. I was shocked when Ted replied to a message I sent him, with a friend request. He was very kind and sweet. I admit that my initial motivation for contacting Ted was not even clear to me at this point. A part of me still hated him for his anti homosexual agenda, which I had been informed of repeatedly in the news. That same video of him, over and over again taking about how the bible tells us what we should think about homosexuality etc.  Ted seemed desperate to justify himself to me, a gay man. He insisted that the video clip was taken out of context and that he is not a homophobe. He insisted that the media had exaggerated and lied about the depth of his relationship with Mike Jones, the male escort. Ted told me that he didn't have an intimate relationship with this man and there was no love. There was no intimacy, just Mike Jones masturbating Ted to climax. Ted did not consider himself to be gay or a drug addict. Sensing his distrust in me, I understood that if I wanted to get to the truth about Ted Haggard, I would have to become his friend, but how? Making friends has never been a problem for someone like me. I'm very outgoing. I know how to use my appeal to draw someone in and keep their attention. Ted would prove to be a bit of a challenge. I had to meet him face to face. Only then could I really know if there was enough chemistry to captivate him. I got that chance a month later when he and his wife Gayle gave a presentation at a church in Kenosha Wisconsin. I put on my butchest jeans and shirt and went to church. I was finally going to meet Ted Haggard. The object of my journalistic curiosity, in the flesh.

Here's where it gets racy, so if you're under 18, you may want to just head to about now. Meeting Ted was a turn on. His teeth are perfect and his hair is so pretty. He clearly takes good care of himself, and why not? He is a public person. He recognized me immediately after the service, as I headed towards the exit, and he hugged me, not one, not two, but three times before I left the building. His lips touched my ear as he whispered to me, "Chaz, God loves you." my knees went weak and I almost hit the floor. I squeezed him tightly, to keep standing up, and the awkwardness of the moment found us chest to chest, inhaling each others breath. I don't know if anybody else picked up on it, but there was certainly chemistry there.  It wasn't long before Ted and I were on the phone, and I made a promise to him to maintain total secrecy about anything he shared. What I've since learned is that a promise is only as good as the person who you make it to.

In the years since Teds scandal broke, he has made numerous news and network appearances to proclaim his "healing" by God. He has publicly claimed that he no longer has homosexual thoughts or tendencies. This is completely false. Ted has displayed homosexual tendencies to me within the past two years, and it's a secret I am no longer willing to keep. We have had lengthy e mail correspondence with Ted. We have had phone conversations, all verifiable. On one particular date while Ted was being hosted in the home of a family in St Louis, MO, we practically had phone sex,as he changed to get ready to go to 24 hour fitness, a gym he frequents regularly, at all hours. My phone statement of that date shows the multiple calls that Ted made to me that day, as he seemed restless and rambunctious. We discussed his real sexual interests. He told me about his party formula of porno, poppers, meth and Viagra and how he is into light sexual contact. I sent him a pic of me nude, to his phone, and he couldn't stop telling me how much I turn him on. He told me about some gay porn site he had a paid membership to. None of this was news to me. The only thing new was that he hadn't been cured of these desires. I realized that Ted was struggling. I've never doubted his love for his wife, because I've been there. I was once married and in the closet. I sat on this secret for a long time. I kept his secret because I felt sorry for Ted and his family, and I thought he sincerely cared about me. I didn't judge his sexuality. As I'm nearing the two year mark of my "friendship" with Ted, I'm starting to see a pattern re emerging with him. His fan base has grown large and yet he has never used his platform to speak out against bullying, much less how it relates to LGBT people. He has stated, publicly, that gays are welcome in his church, but privately, he has told me something different, and that's where I draw the line. Gay couples are not recognized within the walls of his new church St James. My "friend" would not accept my relationship in his church. This forced me to look back over the course of our friendship and find other inconsistencies and instances in which I was used by Ted to make himself look better, all the while, he publicly denied me credit for any of it. While I have felt so sorry for Ted and his family, and defended him to the LGBT community, I now sense that he saw me as nothing more than one of many pawns in his game of reinvention. That was a mistake. I will not allow anybody to use me to make himself look better than he is, especially if that somebody is under the misconception that he is morally superior to me. Ted Haggard is not healed of his sexual desires. He never will be, because there is no cure for being born the way he is. It feels wrong to cover for him at this stage.  When Ted can accept this, we can resume our friendship in reality, and not on the down low. If I attended his church with my family, it would make me a hypocrite, and that's not me. Ted has specifically told me that my civil union would not be accepted at St James church. My family is just as valid in God's eyes as the Haggard family is, and God welcomes us as we are. I will not bear false witness.

Now I know all the negative attention I'm gonna get from this blog. People will call me a lying fame whore. I admit the timing is perfect for all this to come to light. Wife Swap is about to expose Ted to a world of new fans. Its precisely the title of the show that makes this necessary. If marriage itself is truly a religious institution, as is so often claimed, then surely wife swapping, under any circumstance, is a violation of that sacredness. While its true there's no sex being swapped, the time, energy and caring that families receive from mothers is also sacred. So my civil union wouldn't be accepted in Ted's church, but it's perfectly fine for the preacher to share his wife for fame and fortune? For all the conversations I've shared with Ted, his wife Gayle has never spoken to me once. I'm quite sure she's well aware of the truth about her husband. Just look at the money they're about to make together.


Ted will most likely deny this and do everything he can t suppress the truth. He will probably blow up my phone as soon as he reads this. He may threaten t sue me, and he's welcome to try. If there's anything I've learned, as an investigative reporter, it is how to cover my ass and document the facts. I have a long history of being honest, even when it's not in my own best interest, and I'll gladly submit to a lie detector test.

 Every 5 hours, a gay person commits suicide. I have weighed the pros and cons of publishing this blog in my mind a million times. On one hand, there's Ted, his secret, my promise and his family. His family have been victimized enough. On the other hand, there are countless LBGT youth seeking God's love and guidance, who are being rejected, if only subtly by the church. For me to enter a new year keeping a secret that enables a preacher to be seen as healed of his homosexuality, when I know differently, would be wrong. Let the cards fall where they may. The truth shall set us all free.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Judge John David Myles of Simpsonville, KY, you're corruption is coming to an end

Corrupt Judge John David Myles

I am furious about this incompetent, idiotic, corrupt judge named John David Myles. How a pasty old homo wannabe like him ever got elected in Shelby County Kentucky to reign in family court is beyond my comprehension. He doesn't even have any kids of his own. What the hell qualifies him to make a decision about anybody else' kids? He has dragged out a custody battle in my family for years, ripping my niece and her kids apart, and that is going to stop. This blog is not solely intended for the purpose of humiliating him, if that happens, it's just a cool side affect. The reality is that he is biased, and unethical, and as soon as I finish this blog, he's being reported to the Judicial Conduct Commission in Kentucky to face charges for his ridiculous, hateful behaviour. Once the charges are filed, I'll be forwarding this blog and all other evidence against him, to his local newspapers and TV stations, as well as to any National media outlet that takes an interest. When a judge goes rogue, there are really only two avenues one can take to correct the matter, 1) report him to his higher authority, and 2) expose him in the press. I fully intend to pursue both options to the fullest extent of the law. This man deserves twice the stress that he causes, and if he has a conscience or sense of justice at all, he will be stressed to high hell by the time I'm done. For the record, I am not, nor will I ever, or ever have I made any illegal threats against this man, but I'll be damned if I don't take every available opportunity to put him in his place and shed a light on his corrupt ways.

First off, allow me to offer my personal observations of this apparent closet case. There is an entire youtube channel dedicated to his corruption, and it couldn't be clearer that he shouldn't be working at Burger King, much less be sitting behind his bench. He's rude and bitchy and more effeminate than most transsexual women I know. Secondly, it's clear that he hates his job, as he persistently whines and bitches about having to do it, as seen on publicly documented video of him calling a man who represented himself a fool. Only a fool would say that after taking an oath to uphold court ethics. He allowed one drug addicted mother to retain custody of her kids, after clear, video evidence was presented to him that she was neglecting them. That video shows her kids, in her basement, catching a ramp on fire and skateboarding on it. Myle's response was to refuse to look at that video, and to say, "How she chooses to heat her home in the Winter is not my concern." Either he's incredibly stupid, and that's rare for a judge, or he's taken the wrong side of the custody case and couldn't really care less about the children in question. Personally, I think it's a whole lot of both! He refuses to allow children who want to return to their parent/s any say in court, violating their right to do so. He may do a song and dance around that, but not without being called out publicly, and repeatedly. It is my mission to have him removed from the bench, and if the commission refuses to do so, I'll contribute to the campaign of whoever runs against him in the next election, and he will not retain his position. Shelby County tax payers deserve justice for their contributions to his salary, and all they are getting is a rogue idiot with a chip on his shoulder.He hasn't earned the respect of his constituents, much less the salary he receives from their hard earned paychecks.

His partner in crime, the county attorney, a Mr. Hart Megibben, is equally corrupt. My sister-stalker Starliene Waits is always causing trouble, filing false police reports on family members when she's angry at them, stealing the identity of her grandchildren to get cell phones without paying the bill, doctor shopping for percocet, and selling them to anyone with 10 dollars and a promise not to tell, etc.. This prosecutor refuses to prosecute Starliene, and I know why. He once represented her in a custody case, and that's a clear conflict of interest. He should step aside and allow someone competent to do his job as well. The Shelbyville police chief, Mr. Robert Schutte, refuses to enforce any law against Starliene. In fact, he's just a tool, of revenge that is, to Starliene. She calls her friend at dispatch, she calls the police chief, and he sends cops to anybody's house, for any reason Starliene gives him, to harrass whoever she calls him on. He's just a glorified pitt bull from hell, and he needs to be fired! I don't know what it is that my sister is holding over their heads, dealing to them, or doing with these men, but clearly, in their eyes, she can do no wrong, even when real evidence of her criminal activity is put right in front of their butt ugly faces! What I do know is that by the time I'm finished exposing their hypocrisy and ethical violations of the law they're sworn to uphold, they won't be able to show their faces in public without being seen as the completely corrupt assholes they really are! Strong language? Sure, but at least it's honest, and that's more than I can say for any of these bozos!

Hart Megibben

Robert Schutte

Judge Myles, girlfriend, you picked the wrong side of a custody battle, and it's far reaching affects have reached me. I have the dates and times of your misconduct, such as when you agreed to be judge and counsel, in favor of my sister Starliene in her ongoing custody battle with her daughter. You will be held accountable, and your little butt buddies too. All 3 of you manbitches can google yourselves, for the rest of your lives and find this blog on the first page/ That's what happens when you become a public figure and are exposed for corruption, so deal with it! You'll all be lucky if you don't have my producer friend from 20/20 crawling up your asses with a National investigative piece that will tell the world of your disgusting behavior. None of you clowns is above the law, and you will be held accountable for the shit you've done. I'll be forwarding the link to this blog to the mayor of Shelbyville, and to every resident with a publicly accessible e mail account within a 20 mile radius of your workplace, and since it contains pure facts, and my protected free speech opinion, you can't do anything about it but read it and weep, unless of course, you'd like to actually do your job and put Starliene Waits behind bars where she belongs, for once and for all!

Watch actual court video of Judge John David Myles, refusing to review evidence, demonstrating clear bias, insulting those who stand before him, denying a child the right to speak in court, and just being the asshole he really is at the following youtube channel, designed specifically, by someone whose family was ripped apart by this corrupt judge at the link below:

Click here to see real video of Judge Myles violating his oath, repeatedly

Here's a topix link with 28 ineresting comments on Judge Myles

Monday, August 8, 2011

County Clerk takes the Civil out of my Union

My civil union was not quite as civil as I had hoped. It turns out, nobody at the Lake County courthouse, here in Illinois, had any clue about how to advise me of my right to spousal name change. In fact, I was flat out wrongly advised, repeatedly, and told that I have to file for a legal, adult change of name. It costs $250 to file, not to mention any attorney fees. It takes weeks to months to complete because it requires me to change the name on my birth certificate. I don't have that kind of time or patience. No other married partner in IL has to file a legal name change. It's not equality if you have to pay for it. And so, I began my quest for the truth. It didn't take long to discover the website for LAMBDA legal, and follow the link to their Civil Union informational page. According to their page, all I have to do is go to the local DMV, take my civil union certificate and pay $5 for a name change. Then, I go to Social Security and the passport agency and basically do the same. It's so simple! I called the DMV to be sure it is true and a nice lady confirmed that it is. I'd like to say that everything at the courthouse was just a misunderstanding and that I believe the officials, in the Lake County Clerk's office, are well meaning. However, the call I made this afternoon to their office leads me to think otherwise. The woman who answered the phone was rude and misinformed and trying to misinform me, once again, unapologetically.

I had called to find out why it's taking so long to receive my certificate and she said, after keeping me on hold for quite a while, that these things take time. I asked if she was aware of the mix up last week regarding civil union partners and spousal name change. She immediately responded by telling me it has to be done in the courts. I told her that's not true. She insisted that it was true and specifically stated that it was because civil unions do not entitle partners to all the same rights as married couples. I must admit that it felt good to inform her that I absolutely do have every single right that any other married spouse in Illinois has, and that she can call the DMV and ask Tania herself. That seemed to silence her, momentarily, and then she said, "I'll share this information with everybody in the office. The governor's office sent us nothing about this.".

Wouldn't it be better if the Lake County Clerk's office actually took the time to review the laws they are sworn, under oath, to uphold and apply equally? Would it be too much to ask for someone to admit that they don't know the answer, rather than send me on a wild goose chase, based on their own personal assumption that I am not equal under the law?

I thought I'd get a different answer from the woman who sat at at the civil union information desk. We gave her our $10 and asked about how I can change my name. She became almost hostile, in defense of her obvious ignorance. I wasn't trying to sound accusatory, I simply wanted the correct info. She informed me that she is not a lawyer, civil unions are not marriages and that she doesn't give information, she just accepts payments. That's when I pointed to the arrow, pointing at her, that said INFO. I told her that I didn't see why I'd need an attorney, when no other married couple brings one to their courthouse wedding. I said, consider me pro se. Here's a print out of the law, here's how it's interpreted by the IL Bar association website, as printed yesterday. Either you know or you don't. If you don't, then, I'll take whatever steps are necessary to inform you, when I find out.

What keeps repeating in my head is the notion, by any of these people, that I am not a spouse and that I'm not subject to the same legal rights and responsibilities. I believe that my situation will be a recurring one if County Clerks across the state are not bothering to inform themselves of the law and the common processes that marriage and civil unions share. I believe that if the county clerk had put as much energy and manpower into learning the law they oversee, as they did into vehemently disagreeing with me, in front of everyone there that day, this might not happen to another couple, on their special day.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Story of a deceptive thief named Starliene

The following blog is not slanderous or fictional. It is a very detailed timeline of the criminal activity of one Mrs. Starliene Waits of Pleasureville, Kentucky. Public record will verify that it is correct and accurate information.

The reason I bring you this information is because my reputation is being attacked by this person. She is my older sister, and she has taken advantage of me all of my life. That ends today. Starliene Waits wrote an e mail message to my minor son today, in which she falsely accuses me of child molestation, implies that I've molested my own son. She then proceeded to invoke the name of our deceased, gay brother William, to insist that he told her nasty things about me that are simply not true. In this blog, I will demonstrate to you that not only is Starliene Waits a pathological criminal, and liar, but she's also a con artist an a guilty of child endangerment. I wouldn't go to these lengths to expose the hypocrisy of just anybody. It was her decision to involve my child, and her desire to continue to spread lies about me that have led to this reaction. I know she's reading this, so, Star, This is your fucking life!

It's easy to see how her conniving smirk could be mistaken for a grandmotherly smile. She's just that deceptive, but here's what you probably don't know.


1992 - Starliene tricked our mother into co signing on a loan for a vehicle. When Starliene missed payments on the vehicle, she, and our mother, were sued. Starliene was ordered to pay over $1300

1993 - A finance company sues Starliene and her husband and wins $2800 plus.

1994 - William, our now deceased sibling, asks Starliene to care for his small dog. He receives information that Star has been subjecting the dog to living outdoors, in extreme temperatures, and the animal was infested with fleas to the point of infected sores, located throughout it's little body. Upon receiving a call from one of Starliene's children, William rescued the dog from Starlienes home, with the aide of our youngest sister, Chrissy. Starliene's reaction was to threaten her youngest brother William and her youngest sister Chrissy with a shotgun. In July of 1994, both William and Chrissy filed orders of protection against Starliene. Video taped evidence of this dogs condition, after living with Star does exist, and can be posted online. For Starliene to invoke William's name, may he rest in peace, in an attempt to bring mental harm to my child is unforgivable. Especially when you consider that in this life, he had absolutely no trust in Starliene Waits, whatsoever. In fact, he couldnt' stand her, and I have him saying such, in more colorful language, on home video, as well.

1994- continued with Starliene being convicted of theft by deception for writing a bad check to a hair salon. She paid over $82 in restitution and was sentenced to 10 days in jail. She went on to get sued by a finance company who successfully won oer $2100.

1997 - Starliene, the woman who has been continuously granted custody over her grandchildren, was convicted of speeding with kids in her vehicle. If that's not alarming enough, she was also convicted of driving with a child without proper restraint. Even Brittany Spears didn't get away with that. That is considered child endangerment. How could she get custody of her grandkids with a rap sheet like this?

1998 - Starliene was convicted on two separate incidents for theft by deception for writing bad checks, costing her nearly $300 in restitution and fines.

1999 - Starliene is convicted of theft by deception for yet another bad check, this time, at Dairy Mart. She's ordered to pay &85 plus, in restitution, $25 fine and sentenced to 10 days in jail.

2008 - Starliene Waits is charged with failure to produce an auto insurance card when pulled over by a cop. Starliene purchased insurance on the same day she was pulled over, and presented her new insurance card to Judge Heron, who dismissed the case without catching the date Starliene purchased insurance. Not only did Starliene perjure herself, but she made a fool of the judge and got away with it. The Shelby County courthouse can find this information in their own records anytime they want, but it doesn't seem they've bothered to.

2009 - Starliene and her her husband are successfully sued by a Mark D. for restitution and sentenced to pay $750 plus court costs.

2011 - The brother of Starliene's husband attempts to file a domestic violence report against Starliene and her husband. The same judge who has been keeping Starliene's grandchildren in her custody, Judge John David Myles, denied this order of protection against Starliene by her brother in law. The judge cited his denial reason as being due to "insufficient relationship". Apparently, unless Starliene's blood is in your veins, you can't get an order of protection against her with Judge Myles. You also can't get your kids back from her.

Currently, Starliene Waits is facing eviction from an old country house. Last Winter, Starliene forced her grandchildren to endure frigid temperatures, in a home that is not equipped with any heating source at all. The entire family was left no choice but to bundle up together in one room with a space heater, while Starliene and her husband attempted to warm the house with a gas cooking stove, which is extremely dangerous. Star doesn't have any children. The 3 she gave birth to are all adults now, and her youngest daughter is now 30 years old. Starliene has custody of her two, teen daughters, thanks to Judge Myles. By comparison, Starliene's daughter doesn't have much of a criminal history at all. In fact, if you were to examine her record, you'd find that the only charges brought against her were by her own mother Starliene. Starliene once sent her daughter to jail for 9 days after her daughter failed to pay child support. Starliene knew that her daughter couldn't afford the usual &700 child support payment that month. She had just accompanied her daughter to the hospital for major surgery, which had put her daughter out of work, causing the late payment. That's the kind of mother she is, and there's absolutely no reason for anyone, especially a judge, to believe that she could make a good caregiver for an animal, much less a child.

So Starliene, If you've read this far, and you're actually literate enough to understand the words I've said..... Understand this! You are busted!